Friday, October 26, 2012

Many New Possibilities for the Charge Structure of Matter

Earlier writings developing the mnp Model had suggested that matter was made up of rings of charge material that, in the case of particles larger than electrons and positrons, recruited entities of the third type, magnetic mediators, to flow over the enlarged surfaces and to form the glue between quarks. Realizing that electrons behaved more like coils of a single filament and then that neutrinos could not survive or move as opposing rings lead to new pictures of those “elementary” particles. The image of neutrinos as basically a ring of 4 filaments in cross section led to a new picture of strands that might form the structure for other matter.

Thoughts About Strands (2012-10-23 2230)

If 6 member strands exist and can be stable, that could explain the charge choices for quarks. Quarks' charge can be seen as made up of mixtures of plus and minus with the denominator 6. Down has charge -1/3, which could be 4/6 - and 2/6 +, and up has charge +2/3 which could be 5/6 plus and 1/6 negative. Six sided strands work in the mnp Model. There is no center filament, since it would be pushed out by the Separation effect to the perimeter of the hexagon whenever a bending occurs.

For down, two p filaments separated by 2 n filaments on each side could form a hexagon with sides "d" the Separation distance. Effects would be: (1+2/2+2sqrt(3)/2) Travel and 1-2/2-2sqrt(3)/2) Axis so Travel alignment would need to be safely greater than sqrt(3)/(2+sqrt(3)) as strong as Axis alignment. But for up and anti-up, with only one filament of one charge, the Travel alignment effect would have to safely exceed the Axis alignment effect.

Since charge has always been stronger than gravity, the first reaction is just to rule out the possibility. I'll have to think about that some. Could the way that Travel works automatically lead to lower accelerations due to gravity than to charge even though the basis effect is stronger?? That will require more development for the fields and gravity.

Strand Possibilities (2012-10-24)

Cross sections of 6 filament strands have a countable number of configurations.

A balanced strand of 3n and 3p filaments has 3 geometric possibilities (representing forms of Z0?). Cross sections as ASCII art:

 n n      n p      n n
n   p    p   n    p   p
 p p      n p      n p

The strand for down with 4n and 2p filaments has 3 geometric possibilities. Anti-down would have n and p reversed.

 p p      p n      p n
n   n    n   n    n   n
 n n      n p      p n

5 and 1 has 1 possibility
6 and 0 has 1 possibility

My guess is the first of the 4 and 2 possibilities represents down, so that quarks up and down both are unbalanced in the strand.

(2012-10-24 2200) If the strands twist 180 degrees with each coil rotation, the unbalanced strands may actually reinforce adjacent coils better. The 180 twist may well be necessary for the filaments to travel equal distances in each coil (within the limits of unevenness as the coil "moves across" or covers the virtual surface of its sphere).

All these bigger and mixed strands would be stiffer in some sense, I think, than the pure strands that are electrons and positrons, so may lead to bigger spheroids. I still want to see the extra mass being from m-figments/glue but I do not yet picture how that energy would be trapped into rotating as part of the structure and so being mass. One thought is that the twisting of mixed strands leads to much more swirling in the fields immediately adjacent to the strands than the twisting in the uniform strands of electrons and positrons and that this swirling behaves as mass. Incomplete.

How these quarks would then recruit even more m-figments to interact with each other in a dynamic rather than static way is not clear to me either. If the quarks are each separate spheroids, the bonding would be complicated. Definitely not ready for prime time.

Muons as Big Strands of Filaments (2012-10-24 2300)

Muons would be able to form shells like electrons if they are actually three down strands together, eighteen filaments in all, traveling the same direction. ASCII art:

 n n   n n
n   p p   n
 n p   p n
    p p
   n   n
    n n

Wild speculation: If there is a single "break" or imperfection in the muon strand, the life of the muon is related to the length of the filaments and the muon "comes unglued" when that imperfection has traveled the entire length of the strand? This would at least correspond to the time dilation of travel - the filaments effectively move slower around the coils in the universal reference or Minkowski frame as the velocity increases. Makes for a fairly long filament!

So the mnp Model offers new possibilities that answer some questions. Those possibilities do raise a troublesome issue - how could the tendency to align in Travel direction (the basis of gravity) be stronger than the tendency to align in Axis direction (the basis of charge and electromagnetism)?

The Adventure Continues

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