A new understanding of neutrinos is proposed. "Pure" neutrinos consisting of only mediator basic entities m's are currently called "massless." "Hybrid" neutrinos consist of mediator basic entities m's with some of the charge basic entities that are also present in electric fields n's and p's. Hybrid neutrinos also have no mass since by themselves they do not have enough charge material to form coils that are capable of remaining stationary. The author proposes that "Hybrid" is a better term than "massive."
Neutrinos are capable of shedding or recruiting any of the basic entities as they travel. Hybrid neutrinos will preferentially shed charge material travelling in near vacuum, so cosmic neutrinos might be expected to be almost pure. Whether a pure neutrino traversing an electric field can pick up enough charge materials to be detected as a muon or electron neutrino is not clear to the author.
[2015-03-20] initial post
[2015-03-22] edits, some speculations commented out
Table of Contents
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Massive Neutrinos Prompt Re-Examination
- Background
- Onward: Neutrinos
- Pure Neutrinos and Hybrid Neutrinos
- Musings: Neutrino Polarity
- Why No Massive Fhotons?
- Proposed (Unrealistic) Tests on Neutrinos
- Appendix
- Notes on Neutrinos
- Hints of Coming Distractions
The author has been preparing to model the "gravity" waves created by the travel of massless neutrinos as a way to determine the magnitude of the Travel Alignment Effect, using mnp Model's understanding of the deBroglie wavelength. In a parallel effort reading the article on the Higgs in Review of Particle Physics (Olive 2014), the author found Neutrinos immediately following, so continued reading.
Experiments show neutrinos have definite traits in addition to just energy that allow some to enter into interactions that others cannot. The traits can change even in a vacuum.
The author has recently written that the only difference between fhotons and neutrinos is the polarized nature of the fhoton. Attention to the experimentalists insistence that there ARE different kinds of neutrinos leads to useful suggestions. The mnp Model will need to produce a more nuanced picture of neutrinos than heretofore. Leading to a subtitle in mnp form:
Massive Neutrinos Prompt Re-Examination
Neutrinos in the basic mnp Model might be called unpolarized lumps of mediator m's. Lump is a technical term, for non-structured entities in the mnp Model. Fhotons and neutrinos do not have the coiled loop structure that allow them to remain in one place or move slowly, so the author does not want to confuse them with "particles" or the traditional concept of having mass. The author sees "mass" as the collection of basic entities that can remain stationary and can move slowly but not achieve c. Light-like are those things (lumps) that move at the speed of light and cannot move any other speed. He sees no intermediate organizations of the basic entities. Neutrinos and fhotons move at the speed of light, so cannot have a coiled or loop structure. [2015-03-22] They can be "turned into" mass only by being captured by a coiled loop structure.
So what does "massive" mean when applied to neutrinos? "Chirality?" "Left-handed?" "Majorana?"
Two concepts important to the mnp Model are "Charge (loop) structure" and "(random) field potential." The mnp Model has no need for either ether or aether as a supporting concept. The random field potential is (mostly) free mediators called m's.
Except that the random field potential does require free basic entities that also form the charge loop structure: n's and p's which are only needed for the propagation of electric fields. Magnetic fields can propagate without them, fhotons and neutrinos can move through the vacuum with no mediators or free "charge" entities.
Neutrinos have been seen as just lumps of m's with perhaps left and right being a matter of "slightly" polarized balance of Axis that can change as the neutrino travels. This concept of a little polarization but not so much that the entire lump gradually averages out the Axis direction and becomes polarized has always bothered the author.
Onward: Neutrinos
[2015-03-18] Regarding Neutrinos: massless and having mass are a little different. Massless means all the energy is in m's or non-structured n's and p's. In the electric fields within the shell, there will be/can be free n's and p's. They could get entrained in a fhoton or neutrino, though the polarization of the fhoton will tend to pull the charge one way so it will not continue to travel with the fhoton. A neutrino will have no such polarization preference, so can keep the n's and or p's longer. Still, some attrition will occur as the neutrino goes through mass or fields. This is beginning to sound a little like massless vs neutrinos with "mass" which to the author is the charge structure (potential) represented by individual n's and p's.
This model does behave properly. It provides for some spontaneous change in vacuum, does allow a differentiation of flavours while allowing neutrino energies to vary independently. Neutrinos "salted" with some charge may be more catchable. Especially because n's and p's have Axis pointing differently. Neutrinos are still not quantized, but are produced and captured by particles that are, as are fhotons.
A magnetic or charge field, with Axis pointing one way, will tend to attract n's and p's to turn opposite directions, not the same. Travel would attract the same direction. Could be one charge or the other with Axis forward or backward, leading to better absorption in LH nucleons?? If n's are in front of p's that would enhance starting one way, later going the other if the neutrino as at least one coil diameter in length. If the neutrino has length and n's and p's are positioned along that length in the pattern as they existed in the creation of that particular neutrino, that may lead to a tendency for that kind of neutrino to recombine in a like/mirrored manner.
Questions remain:
- What does chirality actually mean?
- Why would interactions create consistent or somewhat consistent portions of n's and or p's (from a fairly consistent field inside the shell or in the quark triplet?).
- How could one measure tiny charge differences?
- [2015-03-22] What would Majorana actually mean?
As the author re-reads these paragraphs after initially writing them as a stream, the implications seem more profound than they seemed on first writing. The explanation does feel tailored but most of the tailoring is in how neutrinos are created by specific interactions of leptons/quarks. None of the basic mnp Model need be adjusted or tuned. The image of neutrinos as having some basic charge entities does free the neutrino model from the need to be "slightly" polarized, which is good!
Pure Neutrinos and Hybrid Neutrinos
Free n's and p's now show up as an explanation for "massive" neutrinos, without themselves giving the neutrino rest mass.
So the author comes to understand "massive" as "having some of the properties of particles that can be at rest" which "properties allow them to interact preferentially with particles" rather than "large" "heavy" or "capable of hanging around to be put on a scale." The author would like to avoid the term "mass" as applied to neutrinos. He prefers "pure" neutrinos for that rarefied or well travelled case of the neutrino with no charge material n's or p's at all. The term "hybrid" neutrinos would apply for those with "charge structure material." The author understands the "pure" and "hybrid" may meet with even less acceptance than the mnp Model itself.
Neutrinos may well have length related to coil diameter or coil circumference. Since electrons are seen as 2 or more coil diameters in extent in the mnp Model but as points in particle physics, this is probably manageable. Early modelling of the neutrino "gravity wave" can use whichever image is convenient to start.
The author admits that his explanation of neutrinos is designed to model neutrino behaviour and traits observed in experiment and the wild, but the explanation does seem consistent with basic mnp principles. Nothing new needs to be adjusted. Exactly what the neutrino pattern IS from a given reaction is not known, but the author is comfortable with suggesting that neutrinos are never exactly alike, that they are created by interactions among particles whose basic charge structure is quantized but whose specific energies and directions will vary. So a type of interaction will give a neutrino a certain pattern such as length or energy or pattern of charge material; since the interactions vary, neutrinos vary. Neutrinos produced by a reaction, might in most cases participate in the reverse reaction though this is not assured since geometry is also involved and at times leads to asymmetries.
So another heading emerges in the author's favored mnp pattern:
Musings: Neutrino Polarity
What is chirality? The posting Left Handed Preference Is Local provides one tool for understanding chirality - preference is a local phenomenon resulting from the lepton's rotation in a frame. Chirality is surely related to the leptons creating the neutrino. Neutrinos will be more effectively captured by a coil moving in the same direction, perhaps with some n or p Axes matching as well to enhance the "contact" attraction. Remember that by contact as in weak interactions and strong interactions, like Axis attracts. Once a field is created by charge, the effective Axis direction is the opposite of the charge so unlike charges attract from a distance.
Ref: Olive 2014 Page 225. For neutrinos, both chirality and measurement comes from the producing quarks and the "measuring" or "detecting" quarks, so chirality is not universal but influenced by the local rotating frame. So the author would suggest "from a counter-rotating frame at the Earth's poles, the neutrinos produced would be right handed." [2015-03-22] The author suggests that neutrinos do not have chirality once they have travelled some distance, though they may retain some influence from the orientation of the coils that produced them in the initial fractions of a second.
The author sees no point in trying to create rigid classes for neutrinos and especially in trying to fit all neutrinos into a fixed number of classes. He would prefer just understand that neutrinos change traits and to work toward understanding those traits. Catalogueing the interactions that produce neutrinos and that detect them is useful, but may be an open ended task.
Why No Massive Fhotons?
When first released from an electron shell or a weak nuclear interaction, the fhotons might have n's and p's travelling with the m's. But since the conglomerate er lump is polarized, with the Axis for all m's in one direction, the n's and p's will be attracted by Axis effect toward the Axis perpendicular to travel as well as in the direction of travel by Travel attraction, so will be unstable. The "resultant" influence at an angle to travel is probably a simplistic concept, but suggests that the n's and p's cannot remain a part of the fhoton.
Proposed (Unrealistic) Tests on Neutrinos [2015-02-14]
Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2015 17:12:44 -0800
Subject: mnp: Maybe Neutrinos Parallel to beam would be interesting
... been thinking about neutrinos. Swimmers might envy neutrinos their ability to not see water as a drag. But then they miss most all of the turns, never talk to each other, and never show up on the podium.
The dreaded questions of the week:
If a neutrino detector is aligned with a source but the path crosses a high speed particle beam at a small angle, the detector should see less when the beam is on than when it is off.
If the source is non-focused but almost in line with a beam, detectors almost aligned with the beam would see fewer neutrinos when the beam is on than when it is off.
Suggestion is that neutrinos will be more attracted to the direction (0 or 180 degrees) of a high speed mass almost aligned with their direction of travel than with a stationary mass or mass moving at a less acute angle to the neutrinos' travel. Of course "time in proximity" needs to be controlled for.
The author has no illusions that a neutrino detector fits on the back of a pickup truck, can be unloaded by two people, or that it can be lined up with a laser pointer.
Notes on Neutrinos
The author's collected but unedited thoughts show a bit of evolution and a lot of loose ends. [2015-03-22] Much commented out:
[2015-03-19] Do neutrinos from weak interactions accumulate at where the final separation of the last coil occurs, then fly off from there? Given that everything in the coil is moving at c, accumulation seems unlikely.
[2015-03-18] If muon neutrinos always produce muons when they interact, that may be useful/interesting as insight into what is a muon. Extra strands? Just twisted differently? A quantized amount of n's and p's mixed in? The author hopes not the latter.
[2014-10-17 11:07 and 2015-03-22] light from distant supernova arriving at the same time as the neutrinos suggest light and neutrinos take the exact same path, that the electromagnetic fields associated with light does not affect the path.
[2014-10-17 11:06] Is it possible to do Shapiro like ranging experiments with neutrinos. Unlikely given that shielding will likely be heavy.
[2014-04-19] Not likely be be able to send coded neutrinos through the sun from a spot on the other side of the orbit or even to sense them in a light enough package to sent IT out to the LaGrange point on the other side. The author feels neutrinos would travel at c, not slower, if they can get through the sun unscathed
Hints of Coming Distractions
Consideration of the mass of up and down, with consideration of the involvement of mediator m's in moving particles, with quantification of the Travel Alignment Effect from neutrino/wavelength investigations, may allow some headway in understanding particle masses.
The SM Higgs particle is predicted, 57% of the time, to decay into a bb meson. Experiments find that such a decay is "messy" and hard to measure, so it is not seen that often. The mnp Model's suggestion that the Higgs is the meson of o (over the top) and oo as the partner of tt meson is now seen as unlikely, since the Higgs is only 2/3 as massive as t Top rather than being 2 to 4 times as massive. Instead, the author suggests the Higgs may be a meson b'b', with the same underlying relation and structure that strange has to down. The same basic charge ratio of 4 negative loops to 2 positive loops, but the strand of 6 that has the positive loops on opposite sides of the hexagonal cross-section of 6 loops rather than adjacent.
Musing: if the author truly absorbed the PDG's "book," he'd be afraid to suggest [2015-03-22] ideas so foreign to the incredible amount of good work that has gone into experiment. Ignorance makes action possible, sometimes.
Musings on Terminology: Structure: If the 6 strands of a basic quark/electron/positron/z are structure, is the cross sectional detail of strange sub structure? Is the salting of n's and/or p's in neutrinos called micro structure?
The author would like a good term for the basic units that can be stationary and have mass: electrons, positrons, quarks, and the neutral quark called a z in the mnp Model. Basic massive structures? Basic massive particles? [2015-03-22] Basic fermions.
Thought: When a voyager reaches a cliff, the only way to go on up may be to go down, perhaps even to the bottom to start over.
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