Thursday, March 19, 2015

Left-Handed Preference Seen As Local


The previous post on movement introduced a testable hypothesis, that the left hand preference in nucleons is due to the rotation of the earth rather than a preference of the universe.

Testing Left-Handed Preference

Since the blog on movement, further reflection suggests testing in a counter-rotating centrifuge is not likely to be adequate, since the portion of time spent moving counter to the Earth's movement is probably too short for nucleons to adopt any measurable preference for right- handedness. Even "long" linear accelerators sending particles west would probably not see much right-handedness. A geo-circular track is hardly worth the effort to shorten the Lagrangian. Sending a plane westward faster than the earth is spinning may not be cost effective.

Experiments could be run in counter-rotating centrifuges at the North or South Pole as well as outer space. Cold comfort in having multiple (two) locations to confirm experimental results. Even without a centrifuge, the author might expect the preference for left-handedness to diminish over time at the poles. Though shivering in the cold waiting for [Edit 2015-03-22] cobalt-60 atoms to make up their minds does not sound like fun, knowing how long a preference takes to establish by watching the rate of change of the preference would be interesting.


The handedness effect is seen in the mnp Model not as secondary to coils rotating in the rotating frame of reference of earth bound labs, but probably as a tertiary result of the extra/odd coil (which also leads to quantum spin) preferring to be on the outside of the rotation, and preferring to rotate clockwise looking in the direction of movement, rather than a secondary result of all coils preferring to rotate clockwise when they transition for moving forward with coil axis outside the tangent to movement to having coil axis inside the tangent.

Explanation Attempt #2: In the mnp Model, the basic structure of quarks, electrons, and positrons is seen as quantized loops that coil and twist. When rotating around a mass or charge, coils transition between orientation left and orientation right of the line of movement. The transition happens both ways (the same number of times) and involves a coil/ring needing to go through perpendicular to movement and hence “stop” forward movement at the instant of crossing. Both transitions from left to right and right to left lead to the coil itself slowing compared to the particle as a whole. See drawing 4 in Movement So the preference is seen as a real result of geometry dependent on rotation direction. Preference is still poorly understood and hence poorly explained.

Neutrino preference for left-handedness is also seen as a result of the preference shown by the leptons from which the neutrinos arise. Even in the sun, neutrino preference is seen as a local phenomenon resulting from rotation and not as a universal preference. To be continued.


The author is reminded of a phrase from childhood "Well, that was as clear as mud." The author commends the LHC attitude "if we find something unexpected, then we'll need to come up with an explanation."

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