Friday, November 30, 2012

Bigger Quarks in the mnp Model

The "loops of charge material of fixed length" model of particles that leads to charge quantization in the mnp Model also offer understanding of Strange, Charm, Bottom, and maybe Top. Wild and Over-the-Top, the mnp Model is an interesting means of interpreting experiment.

The mnp Loop Model image of Up has one loop of negative and five loops of positive as a strand with cross section:
 n p
p   p
 p p
This is limited to one form, while Down has two loops of positive and four loops of negative which leads to three possible patterns for the strand that coils
 p p    p n    p n
n   n  n   p  n   n
 n n    n n    n p
Three patterns seemed to offer three forms of the Down quark, which has been incompatible with the single down quark of experiment. I had rationalized earlier this week that the first is the most stable form, since the "others" would tend to migrate the two minority loops to be adjacent.

On focusing accidentally on the "bare mass" and "effective mass" of quarks on page 135 of Griffiths' Introduction to Elementary Particles Second, Revised Edition 2008, the following thoughts burst out:

Strange is not that big! So Strange is the third form of "down" and is somewhat stable, since the loops do not have a preferred direction for migrating. The second form might be seen briefly in accelerator experiments. I would consider it bigger and "heavier" than down, but probably not as big or "heavy" as strange. I call it d' or down' since the minority loops/filaments are separated by one majority loop. It would decay almost always to down, though with added energy might occasionally become strange. Strange (d'') has the minority loops separated by two of the majority strands hence the double prime. d'' is the third form:
 p n
n   n
 n p
Further, whatever is added to the first generation of quarks to form the "second generation" leads to Charm and Bottom! These are closer in mass and are the real second generation! Further, bottom might come in three versions, b, b' and b'' just as down comes in the three versions d, d', and d''. For b, if extra charge material loops are added between generations, the difference may be small compared to the mass of the b and the number of configurations large so statistical significance may be hard to achieve in differentiating the types. The error bars on the mass of b may just be irreducable.

Whatever is added to the second generation leads to Top t and Over_the_Top o, where o may come in three versions o, o', and o'' or perhaps many indistinguishable versions. Of course, it is possible that o is impossible. I do intend to use/hijack the wonderful work of quantum mechanics for that investigation. Certainly o would be high energy.

The "whatever is added" could be more loops/filaments of balanced charge, as in the first cross section picture of a muon as a coiling strand of 18 filament loops:
    n n
   n   n
    p p
 n p   p n
n   p p   n
 n n   n n
Charm might be:
    p n
   p   n
    p n
 p p   p p
n   p p   n
 n p   p n
It appears that the outer form, grafting ppnn onto three pairs in the inner ring in cross-section, creates an outer surface that looks like the anti-quark of opposite charge. Since the charge structure is actually overlapped as much as Separation will allow, that image of "outside surface" may be effectively chimerical.

"Whatever is added" could also be extra twisting of the loops over the surface to make a stiffer charge structure and hence a larger "sphere" with more opportunity to interact with and recruit the mediator entities.

Or "whatever is added" hasn't been imagined yet. To be continued.

The "anti" versions of these quarks would be reversals of n and p in the diagrams, but essentially similar.

Many questions remain unanswered in the mnp Model, both about big quarks and quark behavior. Is there something about the symmetry of 6 of a single charge that makes big quarks form or is it just that those particles "resonate" and last a little longer than loop collections that do not add up to a multiple of "elementary charge?" Can the quark triplets be forever changing loops but never getting to all of one type which would decay quickly?? Descriptions of quark behavior suggest the loops actually link quarks, so that stretching is resisted by coils that stretch, rather than just by "glue". The loops are always in the process of being exchanged, apparently, rather than being exchanged sequentially?

The Education Extends

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